MQTT Client

A MQTT client implementation for Espruino. MQTT is a lightweight publish-subscribe protocol built for reliable machine-2-machine communication with a very small footprint. It provides efficient and robust communication mechanisms as well as QOS. This module only implements a subset of the MQTT protocol. As of now only QOS 0 (at most once) is truly supported. Encryption and keys are not supported. The module has been tested with Mosquitto-1.3.5. Use the MQTT (About Modules) module for it.

Note: If you don't need all the features, consider using the tinyMQTT module which only provides simple PUB/SUB but which is about 1/3 of the size.

The module exports the function create(server, options) that returns a new MQTT object using the provided arguments. The server argument is the MQTT broker ip address, and options is an optional object that can used to pass non-default parameters - see the code below for the parameters and their options.

Setting up and connecting

First off load the module and create a MQTT object using require("MQTT").create(server). In the example below the CC3000 is used to set up a network connection and get a DHCP address. Upon a successful connection connect to the MQTT broker by calling connect(). This will open a socket connection to the server and establish MQTT communications. The client will ping the server every 40 seconds to keep the connection alive in case no other control packets are sent. The connected event can be used to set up subscriptions etc upon sucessful connection.

  var server = ""; // the ip of your MQTT broker
  var options = { // ALL OPTIONAL - the defaults are below
    client_id : "random",   // the client ID sent to MQTT - it's a good idea to define your own static one based on `getSerial()`
    keep_alive: 60,         // keep alive time in seconds
    port: 1883,             // port number
    clean_session: true,
    username: "username",   // default is undefined
    password: "password",   // default is undefined
    protocol_name: "MQTT",  // or MQIsdp, etc..
    protocol_level: 4,      // protocol level
  var mqtt = require("MQTT").create(server, options /*optional*/);

  mqtt.on('connected', function() {

  mqtt.on('publish', function (pub) {
    console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
    console.log("message: "+pub.message);

  var wlan = require("CC3000").connect();
  wlan.connect( "AccessPointName", "WPA2key", function (s) {
    if (s=="dhcp") {
      console.log("My IP is "+wlan.getIP().ip);

Calling connect directly

You can skip the create and connect steps and call connect directly, but you must already have a network connection.

Note: This is require("MQTT").connect and not mqtt.connect.

var mqtt = require("MQTT").connect({
  host: "",

// or specify more options

var mqtt = require("MQTT").connect({
  host: "",
  username: "username",
  password: "password"

Connecting without TCP/IP

In some cases (for example when transmitting MQTT over radio) you may not want to use the built-in TCP/IP functionality and will want to define your own methods to send and receive data.

You can do this as follows:

var mqtt = require("MQTT").create(server, options);
var client = {
  write : function(data) { /* write data as string */ },
  end : function() { /* close connection */ }

// call client.emit('data', "received_data")
// and client.emit('end') when connection closed


If for some reason you want to disconnect and close the socket use the disconnect() function.


You can also be notified when MQTT disconnects:

mqtt.on('disconnected', function() {


To force a reconnection, it's as easy as calling connect again on the disconnected event. It is however a good idea to leave a delay between the reconnect attempts:

mqtt.on('disconnected', function() {
  console.log("MQTT disconnected... reconnecting.");
  setTimeout(function() {
  }, 1000);


At any time during a session you can publish a message to the broker. A topic must be provided to allow the broker to deliver the message to any client with a subscription that matches that topic.

var topic = "test/espruino";
var message = "hello, world";
mqtt.publish(topic, message);

Publish can also be given a third argument: mqtt.publish(topic, message, { qos : int, retain : bool, dup : bool });

  • qos : Quality of service level (Default 0)
  • retain : Server should retain this packet and publish it automatically to anyone that subscribes
  • dup : This is a duplicate packet


Subscriptions are managed using the subscribe(topic_filter) and unsubscribe(topic_filter)functions. A topic filter can be just a specific topic or contain wildcards that matches groups and/or sub-groups of topics. An event, publish, is fired whenever a message is received by the client. The event emitter calls the listener with an object containin all the relevant packet information: topic, message, (dup, qos and retain).


mqtt.on('publish', function (pub) {
  console.log("topic: "+pub.topic);
  console.log("message: "+pub.message);


Subscribe can also be given an options argument: mqtt.subscribe(topic, { qos : int });


mqtt emits the following events:

  • connect and connected (sent at the same time)
  • disconnected and close (sent at the same time)
  • error(message)
  • publish({topic,message,dup,qos,retain}) and message(topic, message) (sent at the same time)
  • subscribed - mqtt.subscribe succeeded
  • subscribed_fail - mqtt.subscribe failed
  • unsubscribed- mqtt.unsubscribe succeeded
  • ping_reply - A reply to the ping was received
  • puback - An packet to acknowledge for a publish was received (QoS > 0 only)
  • pubcomp - An packet to acknowledge that a pubrel was received (QoS 2 only)

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