The NFC Tag module emulates a basic NFC Forum Type 2 Tag with up to 1k of storage. The storage may be read and written by an NFC Reader as well as JS code.
Type 2 Tags support three commands, read, write and sector select (if the data area is larger than 1k). During read and write operations data is addressed in 4 byte blocks.
Most common Type 2 Tags have a dynamic memory structure. This structure defines the purpose of the first 16 bytes. Those are static and define the Tags type and configuration. In short: The first 10 bytes are a Unique ID and checksum. Those are followed by 16 lock bits. The final 4 bytes are a capability container.
This NFC Tag module initializes the first 10 bytes from NRF52's ROM area. The
remaining 6 bytes followed by up to of 1008 bytes of data have to be initializes
prior passing data
into the module.
This example creates an empty 768-byte Tag. The table below describes the 9 initializer bytes used on the second line:
Index | Value | Explanation |
0 | 0x00 | Dynamic Lock Bits 0-7 (0x00 denotes no restriction) |
1 | 0x00 | Dynamic Lock Bits 8-15 (0x00 denotes no restriction) |
2 | 0xE1 | Magic number (Tag contains NFC Forum defined data) |
3 | 0x10 | Version (Major and Minor of nfc spec supported, v1.0) |
4 | 0x60 | Memory size (value multiplied by 8: 0x60 * 8 = 768 bytes) |
5 | 0x00 | Read and Write access (0x00 denotes no restriction) |
6 | 0x03 | Block contains an NDEF message |
7 | 0x00 | Empty NDEF Record |
8 | 0xFE | Last TLV block in the data area |
It is writtable using almost any NFC Reader e.g. an Android phone (using NFC TagWriter by NXP) or an iPhone with iOS 13+ (using NFC Tools by wakdev)
var data = new Uint8Array(16+768);
data.set("\x00\x00\xE1\x10\x60\x00\x03\x00\xFE", 0x0A);
var tag = require("NFCTag").create(data);
/* For internal use - Receive Callback
NFCTag.prototype._rxCallBack = function (rx) { ... }
/* For internal use - Handle READ
NFCTag.prototype._read = function (rx) { ... }
/* For internal use - Handle WRITE
NFCTag.prototype._write = function (rx) { ... }
/* Set Tag contents
NFCTag.prototype.setData = function (data) { ... }
/* Retrieve tag contents as Uint8Array
NFCTag.prototype.getData = function () { ... }
/* Creates an NFCTag instance.
* At most one NFCTag instance may
* exist at any given time.
exports.create = function (data) { ... }
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