Inline Assembler
This page shows you how you can write assembly code and have it assembled by the Web IDE and uploaded as a function. However there are other ways to get your code running fast! Please check out the Performance page for more information!
The Web IDE allows you to write inline assembler in the right-hand pane. You can use a series of normal JS Strings:
var adder = E.asm("int(int)",
"movs r1, #3",
"adds r0, r0, r1", // add two 32 bit values
"bx lr"); // return
Or can use JavaScripts templated strings to avoid having to cope with newlines:
var adder = E.asm("int(int)",`
movs r1, #3
adds r0, r0, r1 // add two 32 bit values
bx lr // return
Which can then be used like a normal function:
This is handled as follows:
- When you click
Send to Espruino
the Web IDE pulls out theE.asm
call - It runs the strings you supplied through its assembler (which doesn't support all the ARM's opCodes yet)
- It then creates code to load the assembler into Espruino as a String
- It uses
to create a JavaScript function using the code that was generated.
- This only works on ARM-based microcontrollers - ARM Thumb assembler will not work on ESP8266/ESP32.
- The assembler is only partially implemented so will only parse some opcodes at the moment. If you find something missing please let us know!
- If this is a bit hardcore for you, there are other options that allow you to write JS or C - please check out the Performance page for more information!
For an ARM Thumb reference, see this link
Argument Specifiers / Call Signature
The first argument of E.asm
(and E.nativeCall
) is the signature of the call, of the type:
returnType (argType1,argType2,...)
Allowed types are void
, bool
, int
, double
, Pin
(a pin number), JsVar
(a pointer to a JsVar structure).
Note: due to restrictions inside Espruino, you cannot have more than 5 arguments to the function.
Calling Convention (what you can use!)
For a better explanation of this, see Wikipedia
The registers r0, r1, r2 and r3 contain the first 4 32 bit arguments, and r0 is used to return the 32 bit result. Other arguments are passed on the stack (which we're not covering here).
Registers r0-r3 are free to use - however any other registers have to be restored to their previous values before the function returns to the caller. This is usually done using push {r4,r5,r6,...}
and pop {r4,r5,r6,...}
Accessing Data - iterating
By itself, the assembler isn't too useful. What you need is to be able to access your data. Luckily Espruino makes it pretty easy. Above, we used Array.map
to call assembler for every element in an array - you can use this on ArrayBuffer
s like Uint8Array
too. This is not part of the EcmaScript 5 spec (but is in EcmaScript 6).
>var a = new Uint8Array([1,2,3,4,5]);
However this will still return an ArrayBuffer (which will use up more RAM). If you don't want to return anything (maybe you're writing it out to GPIO (see below) ), use forEach
Or you can use Array.reduce
to pass an argument between calls to the assembler, for instance to sum all the items in the array:
// create and fill up array buffer
var a = new Int16Array(100);
for (var i in a) a[i]=i;
// effectively this is 'function (a,b) { return a+b; }'
var adder = E.asm("int(int,int)", `
adds r0, r0, r1
bx lr
// Call our assembler on every item and return the result
var sum = a.reduce(adder);
// prints 4950
Accessing Data - directly
When Espruino allocates data in a 'flat string' (a contiguous area of
memory) you can access it by grabbing its address with E.getAddressOf
and passing it into your assembler code:
// Write 1,2,3,4 into the address pointed to by the first argument
var setData = E.asm("void(int)",`
movw r1, #1
strb r1, [r0, #0]
movw r1, #2
strb r1, [r0, #1]
movw r1, #3
strb r1, [r0, #2]
movw r1, #4
strb r1, [r0, #3]
bx lr
// Allocate a flat string of 10 bytes
var NUM_BYTES = 10;
var flat_str = E.toString({data : 0, count : NUM_BYTES});
// wrap it in a Uint8Array
var arr = new Uint8Array(E.toArrayBuffer(flat_str));
// Get the address in RAM of the actual flat string
var addr = E.getAddressOf(flat_str, true);
// Print array contents
console.log("Before : ",arr.join(","));
// Modify array contents
// Print them again
console.log("After ",arr.join(","));
In ARM Thumb, you can't store full 32 bit literal values in assembler, so loading big constants is a bit harder than you'd expect. Instead of directly specifying the constant, you must define an area of memory that will contain it, and then you must reference that area (relative to the current instruction). This is even more painful because the program counter is 4 bytes ahead of current execution:
var getConst = E.asm("int()", `
ldr r0, [pc, #0] // 2*2 - 4 = 0
bx lr
.word 0x1234BEEF
In reality, you'll want to use labels and let the assembler sort this out for you:
var getConst = E.asm("int()", `
ldr r0, my_data
bx lr
.word 0x1234BEEF
Even this can cause some problems. You can only access an address that is a multiple of 4 bytes ahead of the current instruction. If you get an error when assembling such as Invalid number 'mylabel' - must be between 0 and 1020 and a multiple of 4
then you'll need to pad out the constants with a nop
var getConst = E.asm("int()",`
ldr r1, my_data
mov r0,r1 // extra instruction makes non-2 aligned
bx lr
nop // must pad
.word 0x1234BEEF
Note: If you just need a small constant then you may be ok. You can use mov
to load a value between 0 and 255:
var getConst = E.asm("int()", `
mov r0, #254
bx lr
Or you can use movw
to load a 16 bit values (between 0 and 65535) but movw is a double-length instruction that takes 4 bytes in total.
var getConst = E.asm("int()", `
movw r0, #65535
bx lr
Storing Data
While ARM Thumb has a LDR
instruction that will load from a label, there is no such thing for a store. Instead, you need to use the ADR
pseudo-instruction to store the address in a register which you can then use in the store instruction.
For example the following section of code will return a value that increments after each call:
var inc = E.asm("int()",`
adr r1, data // Get address of 'data'
ldr r0, [r1] // Load the value of data into R0
add r0, #1 // Add one to it
str r0, [r1] // Save the value of R0 into 'data'
bx lr // Return (R0 is the value)
data: // ... padding
.word 0x0 // the word that we'll increment
Accessing IO
You can write directly to the hardware in order to perform IO very quickly. However how you do this depends on the CPU on your board...
STM32F1 (original Espruino Board)
Useful docs are:
- STM32F103 reference (see Original)
- STM32F1 header file - see
GPIOA's Output data register is 0x4001080C
(which sets ALL pins on that port). To set individual pins you can write to BSRR = 0x40010810
and to clear them you can write to BRR = 0x40010814
So you could write the following code to give the 3 LEDs (on A13,A14 and A15) a quick pulse.
digitalWrite([LED1,LED2,LED3],0); // set up the output state (easier done in JS!)
var pulse = E.asm("void()",`
ldr r2, gpioa_addr // Get the gpio address
movw r3, #57344 // the bit mask for A13,A14,A15 - 0b1110000000000000 = 57344
str r3, [r2, #0] // set *0x40010810 = 57344 (set pins A13-A15)
str r3, [r2, #4] // set *0x40010814 = 57344 (clear pins A13-A15)
bx lr // return
.word 0x40010810
// Our data
STM32F4 (Espruino Pico)
Useful docs are:
- STM32F401 reference (see Pico)
- STM32F401 header file - see
GPIOB's Output data register is 0x40020414
(GPIOA is 0x40020014
). Writing to that address sets ALL pins on that port. To set individual pins you can write to the lower 16 bits of BSRR = 0x40020418
and to clear them you can write to the upper 16 bits.
So you could write the following code to give LED1 a quick pulse (it's on pin B2).
digitalWrite(LED1,0); // set up the output state (easier done in JS!)
var pulse = E.asm("void()",`
ldr r2,gpiob_addr
movw r0,#4 // 1<<2 = pin 2 on the port
lsl r1,r0,#16 // shift it left by 16 for the reset register
str r0,[r2] // Turn on
str r1,[r2] // Turn off
bx lr
.word 0x40020418
You can do loops as follows. This example adds together all the numbers below and including the current one:
var a = E.asm("int(int,int)", `
adds r0, r0, r1
sub r1, r1, #1
cmp r1, #0
bgt loopStart
bx lr
for (var i=1;i<10;i++)
console.log(i, a(0,i));
// 1 1
// 2 3
// 3 6
// 4 10
// 5 15
// 6 21
// 7 28
// 8 36
// 9 45
- This example will crash Espruino for any number less than or equal to zero
- Labels take some of the pain out of this.
bgt loopStart
is actually equivalent tobgt #-10
: The program counter is always 4 bytes ahead of the current instruction, and instructions are (usually!) 2 bytes long. That means that to get back to the exact same instruction you must use-4
and you must subtract another 2 for each instruction you want to jump over (hence-10
As of Espruino 1v72, setWatch
can now call native code from within the interrupt - which is much faster than if the code was executed from the event loop.
For instance the following code measures the number of state changes every second on BTN:
// inc function from above
var inc = E.asm("void()",`
adr r1, data
ldr r0, [r1]
add r0, #1
str r0, [r1]
bx lr
.word 0x0
var dataPtr = ASM_BASE-4; // the address of 'data'
// Now call inc when the button is pressed - in an IRQ
setWatch(inc, BTN, { irq:true });
// every second...
setInterval(function() {
console.log(peek32(dataPtr)); // print the value of the counter
poke32(dataPtr,0); // reset the counter
}, 1000);
In order to be properly useful you'll probably want to access the current time:
- Low precision 16 bit (32/40 kHz) on Espruino (F103): RTC DIVL (0x40002814)
- Low precision 16 bit (32 kHz) on Espruino Pico (F401): RTC_SSR (0x40002828)
- Higher precision 32 bit (72/80 Mhz) use SYSTICK (0xE000E018), which stops when the device sleeps.
Compiling C Code
You can also inline compile C code by using the Inline C Compiler.
Another way to compile C code is to use the toolchain that will compile Espruino:
arm-none-eabi-gcc -mlittle-endian -mthumb -mcpu=cortex-m3 -mfix-cortex-m3-ldrd -mthumb-interwork -mfloat-abi=soft -nostdinc -nostdlib -c test.c -o test.o
# you can also add -O3 to the command-line to optimise the code
And you can dump the contents of the object file with:
arm-none-eabi-objdump -S test.o
You might get something like:
00000010 <pulse>:
10: 4a02 ldr r2, [pc, #8] ; (1c <pulse+0xc>)
12: f44f 4360 mov.w r3, #57344 ; 0xe000
16: 6013 str r3, [r2, #0]
18: 6053 str r3, [r2, #4]
1a: 4770 bx lr
1c: 40010810 .word 0x40010810
Which you can then turn into:
var ASM_BASE=process.memory().stackEndAddress;
var ASM_BASE1=ASM_BASE+1/*thumb*/;
[0x4a02,0xf44f,0x4360,0x6013,0x6053,0x4770,0x0810,0x4001].forEach(function(v) { poke16((ASM_BASE+=2)-2,v); });
var pulse = E.nativeCall(ASM_BASE1, "void()")
Note: The best method is now to convert the raw opcodes to a base64 encoded string, and to then use the following:
var myFn = E.nativeCall(1, "void ()", atob("w4D...my...base64...encoded...data...AAAg"))
This will save the program code into Espruino's variable storage, so save()
will store it along with everything else. Note that we're passing 1
as the offset, because it is Thumb assembly.
This page is auto-generated from GitHub. If you see any mistakes or have suggestions, please let us know.