Bangle.js Widgets

We'll assume you've already been through the Bangle.js Development page and have an idea how to get started, and have maybe looked at making an app

Widgets are bits of code that run in the background of other applications. For example the Battery level, Bluetooth Connection status, or other things. There are 24 px wide areas at the top and bottom of the screen which are usually reserved for Widgets to draw their information.

Not every application enables widgets (they need to call Bangle.loadWidgets() and Bangle.drawWidgets()) but virtually all clock applications will allow them.

How does it work?

Bangle.loadWidgets() loads any file ending in .wid.js, and those files add widgets to the global WIDGETS variable.

Bangle.drawWidgets() then goes through everything in WIDGETS laying it out according to its position on the screen (tl/tr/bl/br) and width, and then drawing them.

When the screen is cleared by the host application, it is responsible for calling Bangle.drawWidgets() again.

However if your widget needs to change what it displays, it should call its draw method again. If it needs to change its width (eg. to add a 'charging' indicator) it should call Bangle.drawWidgets() to force all widgets to lay out and draw again.

How to develop

Developing a widget is much like developing an app - in a lot of ways it is simpler.

You can either develop the widget on its own, or inside another app. First, lets develop on its own since we can do that in the emulator if needed.

First, check out the example widget in apps/_example_widget/

Add WIDGETS = {}; to the top of the code, and Bangle.drawWidgets(); to the bottom.

Now come up with an ID for your widget. Ideally this should start with wid, be lowercase without spaces and be less than 20 chard long. Check out the list of existing apps for ideas.

Eventually you'll use this ID when adding to the app loader, but you should also use it when assigning your widget, for example mywidget in WIDGETS["mywidget"] = ... in the code below.

The Example widget will look like:

WIDGETS = {}; // <-- for development only

(() => {
  function draw() {
    g.reset(); // reset the graphics context to defaults (color/font/etc)
      // add your code
    g.drawString("X", this.x, this.y);

  // add your widget
    area:"tl", // tl (top left), tr (top right), bl (bottom left), br (bottom right), be aware that not all apps support widgets at the bottom of the screen
    width: 28, // how wide is the widget? You can change this and call Bangle.drawWidgets() to re-layout
    draw:draw // called to draw the widget

Bangle.drawWidgets(); // <-- for development only

Ensure the IDE is set to upload to RAM (the default) - use the down-arrow below the upload button.

If you upload this now, you will see an 'X' in the top left of the screen. Because Bangle.js's corners are rounded, Widgets do not start at 0,0 but are instead inset from the side slightly.

Example - displaying the date

As an example, let's display the date...

  • Change the widget name from mywidget to widdate (the ID we came up with)
  • Place it where we want it - in this case tl is top left
  • Change the width
  • Write our own draw function - in this case draw just the month

In this case I've added a drawRect so we can see the bounds that we need to stay within.

WIDGETS = {}; // <-- for development only

(() => {
  var width = 24; // width of the widget

  function draw() {
    var date = new Date();
    g.reset(); // reset the graphics context to defaults (color/font/etc)
    g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center fonts    
    g.drawRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+width-1, this.y+23); // check the bounds!

    // Use 'locale' module to get a shortened month name
    // in the correct language    
    var text = require("locale").month(date, 1);
    g.drawString(text, this.x+width/2, this.y+12);

  setInterval(function() {
  }, 10*60000); // update every 10 minutes

  // add your widget
    area:"tl", // tl (top left), tr (top right), bl (bottom left), br (bottom right), be aware that not all apps support widgets at the bottom of the screen
    width: width, // how wide is the widget? You can change this and call Bangle.drawWidgets() to re-layout
    draw:draw // called to draw the widget

Bangle.drawWidgets(); // <-- for development only

The widget should now look like:

Now, we'll need to make sure we update the day when it changes. We could be clever and figure out exactly when the next day was, but for this example we'll just update our widget every 10 minutes:

setInterval(function() {
}, 10*60000); // update every 10 minutes

Finally, we might want to add an icon above the day to show what the text is meant to be. So...

  • Search for a calandar icon
  • Download the image:
  • Scale/crop it and convert it to white on black:
  • Open the Image Converter page and upload the image
  • Choose No transparency, 2 bit black and white, image string
  • And you'll get a line like var img = E.toArrayBuffer(atob("DA0CDQBwv//+////////1VVX0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH1VVXv//+"))

You can now draw the image using some code like:

g.drawImage(atob("DA0CDQBwv//+////////1VVX0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH1VVXv//+"), this.x+6, this.y)

One the image is drawn, you could then draw the current day of the month inside it. And finally, the code looks like:

WIDGETS = {}; // <-- for development only

(() => {
  var width = 24; // width of the widget

  function draw() {
    var date = new Date();
    g.reset(); // reset the graphics context to defaults (color/font/etc)
    g.setFontAlign(0,0); // center fonts    
    //g.drawRect(this.x, this.y, this.x+width-1, this.y+23); // check the bounds!
    // Draw icon
    g.drawImage(atob("DA0CDQBwv//+////////1VVX0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH0AAH1VVXv//+"), this.x+6, this.y)
    // Draw a small day of the month    
    g.drawString(date.getDate(), this.x+width/2, this.y+9);
    // Use 'locale' module to get a shortened day of the week
    // in the correct language    
      var text = require("locale").month(date,1);
    g.drawString(text, this.x+width/2, this.y+19);

  setInterval(function() {
  }, 10*60000); // update every 10 minutes

  // add your widget
    area:"tl", // tl (top left), tr (top right), bl (bottom left), br (bottom right), be aware that not all apps support widgets at the bottom of the screen
    width: width, // how wide is the widget? You can change this and call Bangle.drawWidgets() to re-layout
    draw:draw // called to draw the widget

Bangle.drawWidgets(); // <-- for development only

And the widget displayed should be:

Trying in an app

Note: if you're in the emulator you need to have a clock app installed already. If you don't, run Bangle.factoryReset() on the left-hand side of the IDE to install one.

Trying inside an app requires some changes to the IDE's settings. We want to write the widget to a file in Storage, but to then run the default app (a clock) and not the widget itself.

  • Click the down-arrow below the Upload button
  • Click Storage
  • Click New File
  • Enter widdate.wid.js as the name
  • Open Settings, Communications and change Load after saving to Load default application
  • Delete the lines WIDGETS = {}; (top) and Bangle.drawWidgets(); (bottom) from your code

Now click the upload button and you should see your widget displayed alongside all the other widgets and your clock.

The widget is now installed and usable on your watch, even without the IDE!

Adding to the App Loader

Checking out the page on adding an app to the Bangle.js App Loader

Adding the widget is very similar...

  • As mentioned above, come up with a short name (no spaces) for your widget that isn't listed in - ideally starting with wid
  • Copy the example widget to apps/yourshortname
  • Save your widget's code to apps/yourshortname/wid.js
  • Find an icon for the app loader and put it in apps/yourshortname/widget.png
  • Open apps/yourshortname/metadata.json, change 7chname to yourshortname, add your widget's details

You can then try it out your own custom App Loader and issue a Pull Request (PR) to add it to the main Bangle.js App Loader

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