
The InitialState module provides an easy to use interface to send events to the InitialState cloud IoT platform. It was developed on the ESP8266 and does not use TLS, don't send private information with this module!


The module exports one function: sendEventsInsecure. This function sends the provided events to the specified InitialState bucket. It has the following format:

sendEventsInsecure(bucket, events, [more events], [callback])

bucket is an object with the following properties:

var bucket = {
  bucketId: 'Your bucket ID from InitialState',
  accessId: 'Your access ID for the bucket from InitialState'

events is one or more parameter in one of two possible formats. One possible format is the array format that is specified by InitialState:

  { key: key1, value: value1 },
  { key: key2, value: value2 }

When the function receives an events parameter that is an array, it assumes it is in InitialState's format and sends it unaltered.

The other possible format is a simple object with key/value pairs:

  key1: value1,
  key2: value2

This format will automatically be converted to the array format expected by InitialState.

callback is an optional callback function of the following format:

function (err, resp) {}

err is a possible error object, resp is the parsed response from InitialState.


Below is an example of how to use this in practice:

var initialState = require('InitialState');

var bucket = {  // Get this from InitialState
    bucketId: 'WDYXBZEPUNFM',
    accessId: 'wGxdawLZTBODa3EGShA3vZaxMvjofEZc'

initialState.sendEventsInsecure(bucket, {
  temperature: 23.4,
  humidity: 45.2


/* Send events insecurely to the specified InitialState bucket.

  Usage: sendEventsInsecure(bucket, events, [more events], [callback])

  "bucket" is an object with the following properties:
  var bucket = {
      bucketId: 'Your bucket ID from InitialState',
      accessId: 'Your access ID for the bucket from InitialState'

  "events" is one or more parameter in one of two possible formats.
  One possible format is the array format that InitialState specifies:
    { key: key1, value: value1 },
    { key: key2, value: value2 }
  The other possible format is a simple object with key/value pair:
    key1: value1,
    key2: value2
  This format will automatically be converted to the array format
  expected by InitialState.

  "callback" is an optional callback function of the following format:
  function (err, resp) {}
  "err" is a possible error object, "resp" is the parsed response from
exports.sendEventsInsecure = function () { ... }

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