
The Losant module provides an easy to use interface to send device updates to and get device commands from the Losant cloud IoT platform. It was developed on the ESP8266 and does not use TLS, don't send private information with this module!



The module exports a setup function to create a Losant device object:

exports.setup = function (deviceId, auth)

deviceId is the Losant assigned Id for your device, for example:

var losantDeviceId = '5793f96ebf2f6e0102349c09';

auth is an object that contains a key/secret pair that allows access to the device, for example:

var losantDeviceAuth = {
  key: '88c8a5b7-3ce5-4e52-906e-e6f58b8647e7',
  secret: 'e39deb235e9c627a69b050566a6ace34ca93a12d31446e11eec68da0be66aabe'

The Losant device object exports the following methods:


updateDeviceData = function (data, callback)

data is an object containing key/value pairs

  key1: value1,
  key2: value2

The keys and value types need to match the attributes set up for a specific device in the Losant device setup.

callback is an optional callback function of the following format:

function (err, resp) {}

err is a possible error object, resp is the parsed response from Losant.


getDeviceCommand = function (since, callback)

since is an optional time stamp that indicates since when the commands should be returned. This can be used to filter out old commands already processed.

callback is an optional callback function of the following format:

function (err, resp) {}

err is a possible error object, resp is the parsed response from Losant.


Below is an example of how to use this in practice:

var losantDeviceId = '5793f96ebf2f6e0102349c09';
var losantDeviceAuth = {
  key: '88c8a5b7-3ce5-4e52-906e-e6f58b8647e7',
  secret: 'e39deb235e9c627a69b050566a6ace34ca93a12d31446e11eec68da0be66aabe'

var losant = require('Losant').setup(losantDeviceId, losantDeviceAuth);
  temperature: 23.4,
  humidity: 45.2


// Get authentication token for the device
LosantDevice.prototype.getDeviceAuthToken = function (callback) { ... }

// Update the device data
LosantDevice.prototype.updateDeviceData = function (data, callback) { ... }

// Get the last 20 device commands
LosantDevice.prototype.getDeviceCommand = function (since, callback) { ... }

// Setup function for the Losant device
exports.setup = function (deviceId, auth) { ... }

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