Pixl.js Wireless Weather Station

Pixl.js Wireless Weather Station

In the Pixl.js Wireless Temperature Display example we used a Puck.js to transmit temperature information.

Here we're using the on-chip sensors from a Thingy:52 in a similar way, but are packing more information in. The Thingys will advertise as 'manufacturer data' with Espruino's own manufacturer code 0x590.

Pixl.js then scans constantly for advertising packets and displays the decoded data from any device it finds that advertises with the manufacturer code 0x590.

Note: Scanning all the time uses a lot of power, and isn't suitable for battery operated devices. If you need to run off a battery consider using a solution like Pixl.js Wireless Temperature Display which will only scan for a second once a minute.

Source Code

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Upload the following to a Thingy:52 and disconnect
//  - advertising only starts once disconnected

var pressure= {};

function onInit() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    // save the latest pressure data
    // When we get a gas reading, update the advertising
    Thingy.onGas(function(data) {
      var a = new Uint8Array(8);
      var d = new DataView(a.buffer);
      d.setUint16(0, data.eCO2);
      d.setUint16(2, data.TVOC);
      d.setUint16(4, pressure.pressure);
      d.setUint16(6, pressure.temperature*100);

      NRF.setAdvertising({},{manufacturer: 0x590, manufacturerData: a});

onInit(); // remove this line if you're planning on saving to flash

// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Upload the following to a Pixl.js


function updateDisplay(data) {
  var d = new DataView(data);
  var res = [
   "eCO2 = " +  d.getUint16(0),
   "TVOC2 = " + d.getUint16(2),
   "Pressure = " + d.getUint16(4),
   "Temperature = " + d.getUint16(6)/100


function onInit() {
  NRF.setScan(function(dev) {
    if (dev.manufacturer == 0x590)

onInit(); // remove this line if you're planning on saving to flash

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