CMUcam5 Pixy
The Pixy is a computer vision camera that does all the hard work on-board. It can recognize coloured objects that it 'sees', and will then report their size and position back to a connected microcontroller.
The official documentation is here: []
There's an Espruino module called Pixy (About Modules) which will interface to it.
Wiring Up
Use SPI (the default for Pixy), and connect as follows:
CMUCam | Espruino | |
1 | SPI MISO | B14 |
2 | 5V | Bat |
3 | SPI SCK | B13 |
4 | SPI MOSI | B15 |
5 | I2C SCL | |
6 | GND | GND |
7 | SPI SS | |
8 | GND | |
9 | I2C SDA | |
10 | GND |
Note: Pins 7 to 10 are not exposed on the ribbon cable that comes with the pixy.
SPI2.setup({sck : B13, miso : B14, mosi : B15, baud : 1000000});
var pixy = require("Pixy").connect(SPI2);
returns something like:
Note: There may currently be issues with the minified version of this module. To use the unminified version, change .min.js|.js
to .js|.min.js
in the Web IDE's settings menu.
// For internal use - get a work and send out any queued up data
Pixy.prototype.getWord = function () { ... }
// For internal use - get a single byte
Pixy.prototype.getByte = function () { ... }
// For internal use - queue the given data to be sent
Pixy.prototype.send = function (data) { ... }
// For internal use - get the start of a frame
Pixy.prototype.getStart = function () { ... }
/* Get an array of tracked blocks in the form:
{ id: number, x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number }
Pixy.prototype.getBlocks = function () { ... }
// Return a new Pixy object that's connected to the given SPI port
exports.connect = function (spi) { ... }
(No tutorials are available yet)
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