Puck.js Vibration Sensorâ‡
This advertises battery level, temperature, and whether the Puck is moving or not in a BTHome (https://bthome.io/) compatible format, which can then be used in https://www.home-assistant.io/
This is based on https://www.espruino.com/BTHome and https://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#accelerometer-gyro
💡This code can be uploaded in a few clicks with the Espruino App loader
Install the app and disconnect, then attach the Puck.js running this code onto something that can move (such as a washing machine).
The current battery level, temperature, and whether the Puck is moving or not will then be sent to Home Assistant.
Source Codeâ‡
const TIMEOUT = 10000; // 10s
// using code from https://www.espruino.com/Puck.js#accelerometer-gyro
// and https://www.espruino.com/BTHome
// Timeout to consider movement stopped
var idleTimeout;
// Are we moving?
var isMoving = false;
function updateAdvertising() {
type : "battery",
v : E.getBattery()
type : "temperature",
v : E.getTemperature()
type : "moving",
v : isMoving
]), {
name : "Movement",
interval: 600,
// not being connectable/scannable saves power (but you'll need to reboot to connect again with the IDE!)
//connectable : false, scannable : false,
function onIdle() {
idleTimeout = undefined;
isMoving = false;
Puck.on('accel',function(a) { "ram"
if (idleTimeout) clearTimeout(idleTimeout);
else {
isMoving = true;
idleTimeout = setTimeout(onIdle, TIMEOUT);
// turn off with require("puckjsv2-accel-movement").off();
// Update advertising state every 2 minutes to update battery/temp
setInterval(updateAdvertising, 2*60000);
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