STM32 VL Discovery
Chip | STM32F100RBT6 |
Package | LQFP64 |
RAM | 8 kBytes |
Flash | 128 kBytes |
Speed | 24 Mhz |
USARTs | 3 |
SPIs | 2 |
I2Cs | 2 |
USB | No |
DACs | No |
SD Card | No |
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Hover the mouse over a pin function for more information. Clicking in a function will tell you how to use it in Espruino.
- Purple boxes show pins that are used for other functionality on the board. You should avoid using these unless you know that the marked device is not used.
- ! boxes contain extra information about the pin. Hover your mouse over them to see it.
- 3.3v boxes mark pins that are not 5v tolerant (they only take inputs from 0 - 3.3v, not 0 - 5v).
- 3.3 is a 3.3v output from the on-board Voltage regulator.
- GND is ground (0v).
- VBAT is the battery voltage output (see the Espruino Board Reference).
- ADC is an Analog to Digital Converter (for reading analog voltages)
- PWM is for Pulse Width Modulation. This creates analog voltages from a digital output by sending a series of pulses.
- SPI is the 3 wire Serial Peripheral Interface.
- USART is a 2 wire peripheral for Serial Data.
- I2C is the 2 wire Inter-Integrated Circuit bus.
- CAN is for the Controller Area Network. It is not supported by Espruino.