Simple Finite State Machine


Module for building and operating simple finite state machines (FSM) for Espruino program control. States can be added as needed and each may define enter, signal, and exit operations.



Create a state machine object by ...

var sm = require("StateMachine").FSM();

State Definition

The user may define states as needed to build the logic of the state machine. Each state definition requires a name and optional non-blocking callbacks for ...

  • enter: Called when entering a state to perform any setup actions. It may return a state (and wait) to automatically advance to another state.
  • signal: Called for the current state for any event passed to the state machine signal method. It may return undefined/false for no action or return a state (and optional wait time) to advance to another state.
  • exit: Called when leaving a state to perform any cleanup actions.

Each callback is optional, but sensibly each state must define at least one. A state with no enter or signal callback represents a dead state that can be entered, but not exited normally. Callbacks not defined are not called when changing states. The enter and exit callback signitures have no arguments and the signal callback recieves the event argument passed to the state machine signal function, which may be a string or object as the state excepts.

The state machine makes callbacks with its context (i.e. this = state machine object). The variables this.state and this.last hold the current and last state names, respectively. The object this.states[this.state] references the current state or generically this.states['state_name'] references the respective named state.

Add states by calling the define method with an object defining the name and callbacks as ... sm.define({name:'...', enter:[function], signal:[function], exit:[function], data:{user_data}});

The state object (passed to define) may contain other information used by the callbacks, such as an event counter or context, passed as a data object field. Since the state machine context passes to the callbacks, they can access this info or any state information by referencing the respective current state. Contents of this, not explicitly defined by the user for callback use (i.e. this.state, etc), should be considered read-only.

States may be removed by passing the state name only (i.e. string) to the define function as in


After states have been defined, initialize the state machine by calling init with the name of the initial state as in


After initializing the state machine, state changes occur by calling the state machine's signal method, which will in turn call the 'signal' event handler for the current state, as in...

sm.signal('event'); // --> sm.state.signal('event');
sm.signal(eventObj); // --> sm.state.signal(eventObj);

Individual state signal methods should not be called directly (as this may defeat the logic of the machine). The event passes directly to the state signal handler and so may take whatever form the handler expects from a simple scalar to a complex object.

The state signal method may return undefined (i.e.a false value) for no action in response to an event OR it may return an object with a state and optional wait keys to cause a change to a new state such as

// internal call to sm.state.signal(event);
// some sm.state.signal logic...
return (event=='delay') ? {state:'Two', wait:500} : {state:'Two'};

Thus any state may change to any other as desired, immediately or after a specified delay. A new state change request first cancels any pending state change.


// define state callbacks...
function enterOne() { console.log("Enter One..."); };
function signalOne(e) { return {state:'Two', wait:(e)?e:0}; };
function exitOne() { console.log("Exit One..."); };

function enterTwo() { console.log("Enter Two from "+this.last+"..."); };
function signalTwo(e) { return {state:'One'}; };
function exitTwo() { console.log("Exit Two..."); };

// create state machine object
var sm = require("StateMachine").FSM();
// populate states...
sm.define({name:'One', enter:enterOne, signal:signalOne, exit:exitOne});
sm.define({name:'Two', enter:enterTwo, signal:signalTwo, exit:exitTwo});
// initialize to start at state One

// make state changes (assuming starting from One defined above) such as...
sm.signal(500);         // Signal state One to change to state Two after 500ms
sm.signal('dont_care'); // Signal state Two to chagne to state One immediately    
sm.signal();            // Signal state One to change to state Two immediately

Interactive Test Code Example

// test Finite State Machine module...

// define state machine...
//var sm = new (require("StateMachine"))();
var sm = require("StateMachine").FSM();

// define state callbacks: enter, signal (handler), and exit...

// Initialization state automatically advances to One by return value
function smInit() {
  console.log("Initialized Zero! Moving automatically to state One!");
  return {state:'One'};

// define method called when entering state
function enter1() { 
  console.log("Enter One...");
  //console.log("this: ", this); // shows state machine object
// define method called to notify state of an event/change
function signal1(e) {
  console.log("Event One <-- ",e);
  //console.log("this: ", this);  // shows state machine object
  return {state:'Two'}; 

// methods for another state, demonstrating "this" = state machine context
function enter2() {
  console.log("Enter Two from ",this.last,"...");
function signal2(e) {
  console.log("Event Two <-- ",e);
  console.log("  Last State:",this.last);
  return {state:'Three'}; 
function exit2() { 
  console.log("Exit Two...");

// methods for another state demonstrating conditional & delayed state change
function enter3() { 
  console.log("Enter Three...");
function signal3(e) {
  console.log("Event Three <-- ",e);
  if (this.pending!==undefined) {
    return this.pending = clearTimeout(this.pending);
  return {state:(Math.random()<0.5)?'One':'Two',wait:(e%2)?4000:0}; 
function exit3() { 
  console.log("Exit 3...");

// add states to machine...
sm.define({name:'Zero', enter:smInit});
sm.define({name:'One', enter:enter1, signal:signal1});
sm.define({name:'Two', enter:enter2, signal:signal2, exit:exit2});
sm.define({name:'Three', enter:enter3, signal:signal3, exit:exit3});
sm.define({name:'Four', data:'a dead state with no callbacks'});
console.log("sm: ", sm);
sm.define('Four');  // remove senseless state
console.log("sm: ", sm);

// initialize to a state


// synthesize events for demo ...
//   manually by button press... or automatically fired by time...

// event synthesis callback
var e = 1;
function ee() {
  console.log("SIGNAL["+e+"] --> STATE["+sm.state+"]");
  sm.signal(e);  // send state machine an event

// NOTE: wait >4s between button presses as event3 may delay callback...
setWatch(ee, BTN1, {repeat:true, edge:"falling"});

//var t = setInterval(ee,1000);
//setTimeout(function() { clearInterval(t); },12000);


Search Google for "finite state machine uml tutorial" for more info.


(No tutorials are available yet)

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