UI Example - Checkbox

Example with checkboxes

Source Code

// ----- setup lon and log() (considering emulating _eConsole)
var lon = true // logging is on / off
  , log = function() { if (lon) { var lgr;(lgr=(typeof _eConsole

// ----- pull in ui base and ui element(s)
var ui = require("ui")
    .adx(require("uiExt")) // only when used with push button usage
    .adx(require("uiEBC")) // only when used with push button usage

// ----- define callback(s): log ui element id and value (only)
var cb = function(id, v, _, e, t) { log( "id:",id,"val:",v
        ,(t)?((t.t)?"":"un")+"touch focused":t); }
  , ca = ( (typeof ca === "undefined")
         ? function(id, v, _, e, t) { var s=(t.f|65536).toString(2); // log flags
             log("id:",id,"v:",v,"f:",[s.substr(5,4),s.substr(9,4),s.substr(13,4)].join(" "),t.f); }
         : ca )
  , u; // for space / memory / var saving value of * undefined *

// ----- define UI (in level 0 - built to be saved)

// ---------- Checkbox examples ----------
//    0  1      2      3   4   5   6   7   8  9       10  11                         12
// flgs  clazz id      x   y   w   s  bc  fc  valObj  cb,  l (label array obj)
//       chk                ->x2+>y2~------->[s,vOjb]       fs tc    x  y label txt
ui.c( 3,"chk","c1"  ,140, 45, 25,  0, -5,  7, "H",    cb,  [12, 7,   3, 6, "On"   ]);
ui.c( 3,"chk","c2"  ,192, 45, 25,  1,  1,  1, "X",    u ,  [12, 7,   3, 6, "Up"   ], ca);

//----- pull in display w/ width / height and touch screen
var dsp,   dspMod   = require("ILI9341"), dspW=240, dspH=320
  , touch, touchMod = require("XPT2046")
// ----- run UI
function onInit() {
  SPI2.setup({sck:B13, miso:B14, mosi:B15, baud: 1000000});
                     // spi,  dc, cs, rst, callback
  dsp = dspMod.connect(SPI2, B10, B1,  A4, function() {
    dsp.clear(); A1.set(); // display clear and turn back light on
    // connect ui to dsp and display it
      .w(0,0,dspW-1,dspH-1) // wipe screen (rect) w/ background color
      .d()                  // display all elements
      .di = true;           // set display changes to immediate
    // setup touch screen and connect it to ui
    SPI1.setup({sck:A5, miso:A6, mosi:A7, baud: 2000000});
                           // spi, cs, irq, callback, calc (calibrated)
    touch = touchMod.connect(SPI1, A3,  A2, function(x,y){ ui.evt(x,y);}
        , function(yr, xr, d) {
            return [ Math.round(xr / -121.44          + 259.70685111989)
                   , Math.round(yr /   88.90357142857 + -19.78130398103)

setTimeout(onInit,999); // for dev only, remove before upload for save()

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